How did we get to September so quickly and where did the summer go? I hope we all enjoyed ourselves but obviously after our very hot summer, look forward to cooler fall weather.
We have had a busy summer including the ice cream social recognizing us “seniors” on National Senior Citizen Day. Special thanks to Marion Wilkinson who volunteered to head up the committee. Many other members participated in the preparations, and they all deserve our thanks. As I always say, we could not do anything without all our wonderful volunteers.
Our next big event is the Holiday Craft Fair and Bake Sale on Saturday, September 21st. There are 34 vendors scheduled, so many crafts to tempt you. Lauretta Zimmer and Marion Wilkinson have been working on this fund raiser. Carol Mellom will oversee the Bake Sale. If you previously signed up to bake for us, thank you. If you have a favorite recipe and care to donate, let us know.
October 27th is our Big Bingo fundraiser. We plan to have a basket raffle since it was successful in the past. If anyone would like to donate a basket, or volunteer to help with this event, please let me know. I hope you plan to attend and on bringing friends with you.
Unfortunately, some of our members were disappointed by not being able to attend a couple of activities. The Ice Cream Social needed to be limited when we reached capacity for the Great Room. The bus trip to Jim Thorpe was so popular, it sold out quickly and many missed the opportunity to sign up, including myself. My lesson learned is to not delay in signing up if you want to participate.
There are new programs starting in September and activities returning following their summer hiatus. Check the calendar for more information. The newsletter also contains information concerning the upcoming election of officers and board members for 2025. Hope to see you around the Center.
Until next time,
Sharon Brzoska, President
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The Upper Merion Senior Service Center (UMSSC) provides a variety of recreational, educational and wellness activities for seniors age 50 and up. We offer a friendly environment for seniors to gather with friends and make new ones. The Senior Center is located in the Upper Merion Community Center Buiilding (431 W. Valley Forge Road). Our hours of operation are Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.
Membership applications are available on this web site under "Forms" or at the senior center. We accept cash or checks only. Additional information regarding activities, special events and trips can be found on this website.
Hope you will join us.
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When the weather is bad please call the senior center after 7:30 AM and listen to the voice mail message before venturing out. The voice mail message will indicate if we are closed. The best way to find out if the senior center is closed is to call first (610-265-4715).
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The following is the policy followed by the Community Center, and, since the Senior Center is in the Community Center Building, all UMSSC members, Board and staff members are required to abide by this policy:
Participants must abide by all rules and regulations set for by Upper Merion Parks & Recreation relating to participating in trips and activities, including Upper Merion Area School District rules and regulations pertaining to illegal drugs, weapons and smoking.
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